Browsing: Health & Safety

Tesco has awarded Bureau Veritas’ electrical and engineering inspection division a Fixed Wiring Electrical Inspection and Testing contract covering Inspection & Test at distribution centres throughout the supermarket chain’s UK supply chain network

From both an operational and safety standpoint, floor marking is rapidly becoming an intrinsic feature in both factories and warehouses across British industry. Whether defining areas for machinery in a factory, creating storage lanes in a warehouse

The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) has published online at new rateable values for 1.75 million commercial and other non-domestic properties across England and Wales. Using the assessments, which come into effect next April,

Apart from being set to assist the move into the digital era, meeting current legislation – such as Driver’s Hours legislation and the Working Time Directive (WTD) – is already a fundamental requirement which must be addressed. This is equally as importan

There is a general perception that business rates are set by local authorities and used to pay for local services. In fact, the rate poundages are set nationally, local authorities are mere collection agencies for the Central Government and rateable value

Ford Motor Company has taken on 20 warehouse trucks from BT Rolatruc for use in its 140,000sq m engine plant in Bridgend, Midglamorgan. The plant, which makes Zetec engines for Ford cars and various V8s for Jaguar and Land Rover,

The new CFTS Thorough Examination scheme, developed by the Fork Lift Truck Association (FLTA) and British Industrial Truck Association (BITA), has got off to a good start.